All Painters are like pretend Gods. We attempt to redo nature by trying to blend the right colours on canvas. But to be satisfied with our master piece, it's important to know which is the last brush stroke . - Christine Kale
Well, this is been one of my attempts to explore my creativity once again.
My first digital painting and my thought around a quote I could best think on painters.
The feeling comes to you when you know that you have it in you and you can do it, and you have to do it right now..... kind of !!
Wasn't easy to get back to being artistic. This time tried it digitally... one of my long time passions'.
I am returning to my Blog after a while, in fact a long gap, and I do feel this space quite void.
Couldn't get my mind into imagining positive since last November and the horrifying incident in the capital city Delhi. It's been a nightmare every since. The thought coming back like a pinch even after every fun moments shared with my family...just can't seem to get it out of my head. Is life a terror that we live in and are we supposed to live in it this way through out, considering the sick judicial system of the land.
I feared to get back to writing as the reality of my blog title seemed so unjustified now.
The thought comes "what @#*!!ing life is this"...( I am surly not mentioning the foul language that this gestures to).. but I guess we all share the same feeling that triggers our emotions in disgust.
Hell Yeah !! it's taken me a while to settle my thoughts...still can't figure out why I feel so haunted with that particular incident of Nirbhaya ... and yes she was brave till her last breath.
This painting I dedicate to her and all of those brave female who have faced this cruelty of life.
In life or in death, God's with you.