"Let not the transparent rain steal colour out of your life. Instead let them coat themselves in your hue and fall to the ground as individuals." - Christine Kale.
Just finished this piece... My second digital painting. Very happy with the outcome.
About the painting:
Medium: Photoshop CS6
Watercolour mode, Air brush 30 used for background colour effect. Rain effect and water droplets created through filters.
Had to get this one done before the rains dry up.
Well, I am not sure what I like more....hating not to love the rains or loving not to hate the rains.
Like I always confuse myself with my thoughts… I'd rather say that I both love and hate the monsoon.
The soothing breeze on my face, just before the gently gushing spray of rain, pouring down on me... like it was meant for me alone.
The wet mud and it's fragrance of life, filling the soul.... as if it were dragging me closer to my roots.
Then the thunder and the lightning, shaking my soul and beating my heart to its rhythm.... as if to awaken me and beg it to scare me once again with all its might.
The rains, what a blessing after the summer!
So why do I curse this blessing..... By literally saying “the blessed rain got my shoe wet” …”Damn! It’s pouring again”… "Great! Just when I am on my way out, hell breaks loose"……. etc etc...
I guess that's when I realize that life cannot always be drenched away in the comfort of a soothing wet downpour of crystal clear heaven.
After all everyone comes home to feel warm, dry and cozy. And that’s when I know that I hate the rains just as much as I love them.
I guess we have to deal with the mud if we had once prayed for the rain to come down on us.
“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." - Gilbert K. Chesterton