Thursday, 4 October 2012

Reason enough to live life

After a long uninterrupted night sleep, my mornings have to be peaceful,
Soft music or maybe no music at all, a glimpse of the green blissful nature, inhaling its breath,
feeling uplifted in spirit, and awakening wide-eyed on a sip of hot tea..... The best way to start a day.
Well! That was my once upon a time story.

The awakening now happens quite suddenly, regardless of the night hour, with a loud cry that literally springs me out of your cozy slumber.

Who ! What ! Where ! ...  I'm like a dumbstruck doo doo bird, looking around to find what happened to my brethren, Am I the last one on earth.... Oh yes !  If I were a doo doo bird I would have already been extinct ...but God damn it ..I am a mother for crying out loud....and a mother of two....

It comes with the package !!

Just need to read the instructions well before opening !! ...

Well, I did sign the agreement before plunging in !!  ....

Lets save the humour for another day but how ruthless can I be to have such thoughts and try to find an escape root.
All Moms' face this.... mine face it!!

Going to bed at 2, some times 3 in the night, dragging myself up at 6 in the morning….and not keeping a track of the countless times of these jolts of sudden awakening in-between..... Am not complaining, but that's exactly how my day starts.

Am whining like a baby ... I am..!!  Well, what else do you expect of me….where have all my sleepy days gone!!...

Urrg !! The silence screams out loud within me and then I gulp it down with a sip of hot tea …. Well, barely hot by now …

I guess all children have this special quality of sensing an urgency of "mummy need", exactly at the moment when mummy needs her time.
I can now safely say “been there, done that”.
Ask my mother if I realized my chores even when at the 14th year of my life.....she will laugh and tell you that I am still a kid.

But with all of this, there is still a peaceful and blissful pleasure, a soulful joy ... maybe indescribable....and so unlike any materialistic fancy, that brings warmth to the heart..... The joy of being a mother.

Like it’s said that a mother’s job is never finished, brings me to a quote I truly reckon with -" Motherhood is my career. I'm totally satisfied with that. "- Ann Romney.

Dedicated to my Babies – Anushka and Aankush….. My reason to live life…and live it to the fullest....I love you my munchkins.


  1. Lol ! a mother ... i agree with what yr mom says :)

  2. Beautifully written, could picture what you have written. I am always here listen to you rant if and when you need. Love ewwww always.
